Monday, November 18, 2013

I actually make what I pin on Pinterest!!

I see so many people pin things day after day and often wonder if anyone actually does the things they pin! If it is a project I really love...I DO! Now, I have had my fair share of "flops" but for the most part my Pinterest steals turn out great! So don't get discouraged...get out those craft supplies and make something! You may just surprise yourself!  Here is one I finished last night! It was very simple and cheap...doesn't get any better than that!
Here is the original pin...Horse Shoe Sign.

Here is a wooden door sign made for the fall....
And...the original Pin...Chevron Pumpkin Door Hanger

I even got my daughter in on the action!

Once more, the original Pin...Hand Tree.

None of this is exactly "Ahhh"-mazing but it proves Pinterest CAN be more than a browsing site. I do plenty of original things that I pin as well! Hopefully you will find some Pinsperation and make something wonderful!

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