Friday, November 15, 2013

Home Remodel

Let me give you a little background information. We bought our starter home in 2007. I was fresh out of nursing school and we didn't want a new house with an enormous mortgage. Looking for a house is not easy but having a good realtor makes a huge difference. After a few months searching, we finally found something that caught our eye. It was an estate; 3 bedroom, 2 bath, brick, ranch in style with an acre of land. We saw it as an investment. It was a roomy house with a nice front and back yard in a nice area. It was a fair price and affordable...which is important when you buy your first house. The only problem was it was built in 1979 and no one had touched it since. Luckily my husband is handy and does a really good job when it comes to remodeling.The pictures below will help you put an image with the makings of the house.  The most drastic change in the entire house was the flooring (it still had brown shag carpet..sigh)!  It was all outdated. We started with our daughter's room, then the living room, progressed to the hallway. We took a break to save some more money and then started the kitchen. In the mix, we did our daughter's room again to make it a "big girl" room.  Presently, we are finishing the laundry room. That leaves 2 bedrooms and a bathroom left to finish the interior of the house. 
Let me leave you with some words of advice, if you ever do decide to remodel a house, you need 2 things. Patience and a strong marriage. It is a JOB! #renoathousenumber6

The House (2007)
More current view (2016)
The entire house was covered in this mess they called carpet! The flooring is the best part of the remodel. I'm so glad this is gone in the majority of the house...only 2 more rooms to go. 

The Living Room Before
And After
Still a little plain (this was right after remodel)
My Daughter's Room remodel #1 (I failed to take "before" photos)
Daughter's room before take 2

Daughter's room #2 (The "big girl" room)
Hallway...we took paneling down and removed carpet. 

              Guest bathroom before 

I am in love with my new bathroom!!

                    Kitchen Remodel
Countertops from Campbell's Countertops in Greer, SC
Old (top) vs. New(bottom) Cabinet finish
Paint choice

That tile was a pain (according to my husband) but well worth it. I love the look!

Our next project added some life to the outside. My husband built a swing set and fire pit. I adore this part of the yard!

You may have seen the idea on Pinterest. Overall we have about $1200-$1500 in the entire project but it's completely worth it!

Laundry Room
Before (for some reason I did not get a complete room shot)
After paint 
Flooring done!

All done except some trim! Do you have any idea how hard it is to go without your laundry room?
The start of the "master" bathroom. Seriously, my closet is 5x bigger than my bathroom. I'm so glad that green 1970 linoleum is gone! We gutted the bathroom except for the shower.
New subfloor 
The face behind the work. He's less than thrilled with my blog posts and picture taking!

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