Thursday, July 26, 2012

Men's Dress Shirt to Knot Dress

I have seen tutorial after tutorial on methods to turn a men's dress shirt in to a dress.  So, I guess you could say I gained my inspiration from Pinterest post after post. Lucky for me, my husband recently lost A LOT of weight so he has plenty of XXL shirts. Now, if you know my husband, you would know that he completly avoids any color not in the "boy" color wheel. That being said, whether he had lost the weight or not, I'm sure he would have happily given up this shirt. As a matter of fact, I can say with certainty he has never worn it! Anyway, I digress. Back to the project........   My daughter is in love with knot dresses. I have only made her a few and they are all she wants to wear. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with this shirt! Therefore, with scissors in hand, I began to chop away at the shirt and after many stitches we had a dress. Also, no outfit is complete without accessories. Why not a rosette barette? Take a look!!

The Shirt

See, this dress is fun!

And cute!

Finishing Touch

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