Monday, January 16, 2012

Fabric Covered Bobby Pins

These are so easy to make! I think it took me about 5 minutes to make 6 of them!! All you need is a button cover kit, wire snips, fabric scraps, bobby pins and hot glue!
First, Cut your circle (or roundish shape) larger than your button

Place fabric and button top in neat little kit invented to make our lives simple.

Place the back on to the button.

Snip the wire off the back.

Add a little dab of hot glue and insert your bobby pin.

And there you go, beautiful fabric covered bobby pins!!
Like above, it doesn't matter what size button you use :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dragonfly Tie Wristlet

Neck ties are all over thrift stores in tons of designs and colors. Luckily they are ridiculously cheap. ($0.50-$1.00 here) Floating on Pinterest is a tie wristlet everyone seems to be crazy about, however there is no tutorial. So of course I had to try it! It's really easy! Unfortunately, I was learning as I went so I did not take pictures. When I do the next one I will be sure to create a tutorial!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Starburst or Candy Wrapper Bracelet

This is a fun thing to do with those little wrapper you pull off those little things that satisfy your sweet tooth! I was making one for my daughter and someone asked for a tutorial. Since I don't make enough of them to do a tutorial, I borrowed one I found by using Google. So here is the link! Enjoy your easy, fun crafting!

T-Shirt Scarf

What better to do on an exam make-up day than make a free t-shirt scarf? Because I have a all female class (with the exception of one guy..bless him) this idea was perfect. So the students brought in an old tee and we went to work! They swapped color strips and came up with some great scarfs! Best thing, NO SEWING!! Modeling their scarf in the picture is the beautiful Kailyn!

Fun with canvas

Feeling artistic (and having a coupon helped), I decided to try out some canvas art! Nothing Picasso or anything. I took a verse from one of my favorite songs (I also happen to be a Wizard of Oz addict), created an SVG file with it and cut it out in vinyl! I painted the white canvas cream (so as to match my living room), added the vinyl and voila! A one of a kind canvas picture!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Heart Ornament Wreath

With all the pretty Christmas ornament colors these days, you are no longer limited to using them at Christmas!! Once Walmart flipped the rollback sign to 75% off, I hit the clearance. With a clothes hanger, hot glue, ornaments, ribbon and a little creativity, I now have an oh so cute Valentine wreath!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Vinyl Record Bowl

Vinyl records are gaining popularity these days. Sure, they are fun to listen to but why not up cycle one! All you need is a vinyl record, oven safe mixing bowl, cookie sheet and an oven!
Step one: gather supplies
Step two: Preheat oven to 200°
Step three: Turn bowl upside down on cookie sheet
Step four: Place record on bowl
Step five: Place in oven for about a minute (watch continuously) when record start to form to bowl, remove from oven
Step six: Shape immediately as desired
Step seven: Paint or leave as is and enjoy your creation!!

And add some vinyl...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Braided Scarf

Adding my own twist, I made a braided scarf using the tutorial (with thanks to found here. I was amazed at how easy this actually was! Instead of using Jersey Knit fabric, I chose a spandex knit. Here is the finished project! A sweet someone whose name begins with 'K' will be enjoying this cute scarf!

And, I made one for myself ;-)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Music Room Art

This artwork was inspired by my brother-in-law! He is a musician and I created this for his music room. If you would like a copy of the SVG file just let me know.

Monday, January 2, 2012

DIY Glass Cutting

I stumbled across this while browsing on Pinterest! What an amazing pointer for repurposing glass!
Check it out here.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Running with Youngdeer

Today was a unique New Years Day because an old friend of my Mama's came for a visit. This was no ordinary visitor, this was a Cherokee Indian. Accompanying him on this visit was a yellow locust tree log. He came with the mission to teach my brother and husband the art of hand carving a bow. His mission was successful! He also brought two gifts for my daughter; a small bow and a hand carved arrowhead necklace (see pictures).It was really interesting to learn crafts from another culture without using YouTube. So, thank you Bopper Youngdeer for sharing your knowledge!

Happy 2012

"What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That's not been said a thousand times?
The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.
We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.
We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.
We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our prides, we sheet our dead.
We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that's the burden of a year."
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox
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